Error executing template "Designs/duroc/eCom/Product/espresso.cshtml"
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index and length must refer to a location within the string.
Parameter name: length
   at System.String.Substring(Int32 startIndex, Int32 length)
   at CompiledRazorTemplates.Dynamic.RazorEngine_97feb1d7de304f33863b3b7ed1660ec2.Execute() in E:\Dynamicweb.NET\Solutions\\Files\Templates\Designs\duroc\eCom\Product\espresso.cshtml:line 40
   at RazorEngine.Templating.TemplateBase.RazorEngine.Templating.ITemplate.Run(ExecuteContext context, TextWriter reader)
   at RazorEngine.Templating.RazorEngineService.RunCompile(ITemplateKey key, TextWriter writer, Type modelType, Object model, DynamicViewBag viewBag)
   at RazorEngine.Templating.RazorEngineServiceExtensions.<>c__DisplayClass16_0.b__0(TextWriter writer)
   at RazorEngine.Templating.RazorEngineServiceExtensions.WithWriter(Action`1 withWriter)
   at Dynamicweb.Rendering.Template.RenderRazorTemplate()

1 @inherits Co3.Espresso.Website.TemplateBases.Paragraphs.Module 2 @using System.Web 3 @using Co3.duroc.Website.Models.Frontend.Ecommerce 4 @using Co3.Espresso.Base.Extensions 5 @using Co3.Espresso.Website.Services 6 @using Co3.Espresso.Website.Models.FrontEnd 7 @using Co3.Espresso.Website.Models.FrontEnd.Settings 8 @using Co3.Espresso.Website.Models.FrontEnd.Ecommerce 9 @using Co3.Espresso.Website.Models.FrontEnd.Handlebars 10 @using Dynamicweb 11 @using Dynamicweb.Content 12 @using Dynamicweb.Core 13 @using Dynamicweb.Frontend 14 @using Dynamicweb.Security.UserManagement 15 @using Dynamicweb.UI.Elements.Layouts 16 @using Context = Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.Common.Context 17 @using IPageService = Co3.Espresso.Website.Services.IPageService 18 @using PageService = Dynamicweb.Content.PageService 19 20 @{ 21 bool isUserAuthenticated = User.IsExtranetUserLoggedIn(); 22 DurocProduct espressoProduct = ProductService.Instance.GetEspressoProduct( 23 new ProductSettings() 24 { 25 Id = GetString("Ecom:Product.ID"), 26 VariantId = GetString("Ecom:Product.VariantID"), 27 PrimaryVariantId = GetString("Ecom:Product.DefaultVariantComboID") 28 } 29 ) as DurocProduct; 30 31 string metaDescription = ""; 32 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(espressoProduct.DescriptionShort)) 33 { 34 metaDescription = espressoProduct.DescriptionShort; 35 metaDescription = metaDescription.StripHtml().Substring(0, 150); 36 } 37 else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(espressoProduct.DescriptionLong)) 38 { 39 metaDescription = espressoProduct.DescriptionLong; 40 metaDescription = metaDescription.StripHtml().Substring(0, 150); 41 } 42 } 43 44 @RenderingService.Instance.SectionEnd() 45 46 @SnippetStart( "productDescription" ) 47 @if (!espressoProduct.IsMainProduct) 48 { 49 <meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow"> 50 } 51 @if ( GetString( "Ecom:Product.MetaDescription" ) != "" ) 52 { 53 <meta name="description" content="@GetString( "Ecom:Product.MetaDescription" )"> 54 } 55 else 56 { 57 <meta name="description" content="@metaDescription"> 58 } 59 @SnippetEnd( "productDescription" ) 60 61 <div class="e-product js-e-product" data-product-id="@espressoProduct.Id" data-has-variants="@espressoProduct.HasVariants.ToString().ToLower()" data-variant-id="@espressoProduct.VariantId"> 62 63 @RenderingService.Instance.SectionStart( new SectionSettings 64 { 65 Classes = new ClassList( "e-section pb-2" ) 66 } ) 67 <div class="col-12"> 68 <div class="row"> 69 <div class="col-12"> 70 <h1 class="e-product-name mb-1"> 71 @espressoProduct.Brand @espressoProduct.Name 72 </h1> 73 </div> 74 </div> 75 <div class="row"> 76 <div class="col-12 col-sm-5"> 77 <div class="row mb-2"> 78 @if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(espressoProduct.DescriptionLong)) 79 { 80 @RenderingService.Instance.SectionStart(new SectionSettings 81 { 82 Classes = new ClassList("col-12"), 83 ContentClasses = new ClassList("col-12"), 84 Collapsible = true 85 }) 86 87 @espressoProduct.DescriptionLong 88 89 @RenderingService.Instance.SectionEnd() 90 } 91 else 92 { 93 <div class="col-12"> 94 <div class="e-product-text mb-2"> 95 @espressoProduct.DescriptionShort 96 </div> 97 </div> 98 } 99 </div> 100 @* 101 <div class="row"> 102 <div class="col-12"> 103 <div class="e-product-delivery mb-2"> 104 @RenderingService.Instance.PartialView("ecom/product/partials/delivery-info.cshtml", espressoProduct) 105 </div> 106 </div> 107 </div>*@ 108 @if (espressoProduct.ContactPersonProductDescriptionId > 0) 109 { 110 <div class="row e-product-contact-person"> 111 @RenderPageContent(espressoProduct.ContactPersonProductDescriptionId) 112 </div> 113 114 // If we have a contact or catalogue section, let's link to them 115 if (espressoProduct.ContactPersonId > 0 || espressoProduct.PdfList.Count >= 0 ) 116 { 117 <div class="e-product-contact-buttons"> 118 @if (espressoProduct.ContactPersonId > 0) 119 { 120 <a href="@(PageView.Current().SearchFriendlyUrl)#@(espressoProduct.ContactPersonAnchorId)" class="btn btn-primary">@Translate("Product - Description - Contact Button", "Tag kontakt")</a> 121 } 122 @if (espressoProduct.PdfList.Count >= 0) 123 { 124 <a href="@(PageView.Current().SearchFriendlyUrl)#catalogues" class="btn btn-secondary">@Translate("Product - Description - Get Catalogue Button", "Hent katalog")</a> 125 } 126 </div> 127 } 128 } 129 </div> 130 131 <div class="col-12 col-sm-7 order-first"> 132 @RenderingService.Instance.PartialView("ecom/product/partials/images.cshtml", espressoProduct) 133 </div> 134 </div> 135 </div> 136 @RenderingService.Instance.SectionEnd() 137 138 @if (espressoProduct.OperationVideoLink.IsNotNullOrEmpty() || espressoProduct.DemonstrationVideoLink.IsNotNullOrEmpty()) 139 { 140 <section class="e-section"> 141 <div class="container-fluid"> 142 <div class="row"> 143 <div class="col-12"> 144 <p class="h2">@Translate("Product - Video - Heading", "Betjening og demonstration")</p> 145 </div> 146 </div> 147 <div class="row"> 148 @if (espressoProduct.OperationVideoLink.IsNotNullOrEmpty()) 149 { 150 <div class="p p-video p-width-auto col-12 col-sm-12 col-md-6"> 151 <div class="row"> 152 <div class="p-video-container mb-1 col-12 order-first"> 153 <div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9"> 154 <iframe class="embed-responsive-item" src="@espressoProduct.OperationVideoLink" webkitallowfullscreen="" mozallowfullscreen="" allowfullscreen="" width="1080" height="608" frameborder="0"></iframe> 155 </div> 156 </div> 157 </div> 158 </div> 159 } 160 @if (espressoProduct.DemonstrationVideoLink.IsNotNullOrEmpty()) 161 { 162 <div class="p p-video p-width-auto col-12 col-sm-12 col-md-6"> 163 <div class="row"> 164 <div class="p-video-container mb-1 col-12 order-first"> 165 <div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9"> 166 <iframe class="embed-responsive-item" src="@espressoProduct.DemonstrationVideoLink" webkitallowfullscreen="" mozallowfullscreen="" allowfullscreen="" width="1080" height="608" frameborder="0"></iframe> 167 </div> 168 </div> 169 </div> 170 </div> 171 } 172 </div> 173 </div> 174 </section> 175 } 176 177 <!-- ProductReviews --> 178 @if (espressoProduct.ProductReviews.IsNotNullOrEmpty()) 179 { 180 <section class="e-section pb-2"> 181 <div class="container-fluid"> 182 <div class="row"> 183 <div class="col-12"> 184 <p class="h2">@Translate("Product - Review and References - Heading", "Omtale og referencer")</p> 185 </div> 186 </div> 187 <div class="row"> 188 <div class="col-12"> 189 @espressoProduct.ProductReviews 190 </div> 191 </div> 192 </div> 193 </section> 194 } 195 196 <section class="e-section pb-2" id="catalogues"> 197 <div class="container-fluid"> 198 <div class="row"> 199 <div class="col-12"> 200 @if ( espressoProduct.PdfList.Count > 1 ) 201 { 202 <p class="h2">@Translate( "Product - PDF - Heading - Plural", "Se produktkatalogerne" )</p> 203 } 204 else 205 { 206 <p class="h2">@Translate( "Product - PDF - Heading", "Se produktkataloget" )</p> 207 } 208 </div> 209 </div> 210 <div class="row"> 211 <div class="col-12"> 212 @foreach ( string pdfPath in espressoProduct.PdfList ) 213 { 214 string pdfTitle = pdfPath.Split( '/' ).Last(); 215 // TODO: Det er her dælme grimt, kan det gøres bedre? --> 216 string pdfTitlePretty = pdfTitle.Replace( "_", " " ).Replace( ".pdf", "" ); 217 218 <p> 219 <img alt="pdf" src="/Files/Templates/Designs/duroc/_assets/img/icon-pdf.svg" style="width: 50px;"> <a href="@pdfPath" title="@pdfTitle">@pdfTitlePretty</a> 220 </p> 221 } 222 </div> 223 </div> 224 </div> 225 </section> 226 227 @if (espressoProduct.ReasonsToBuyPageId > 0) 228 { 229 <section class="e-section pb-2"> 230 <div class="container-fluid"> 231 <div class="row"> 232 @RenderPageContent(espressoProduct.ReasonsToBuyPageId) 233 </div> 234 </div> 235 </section> 236 } 237 @if (espressoProduct.CasesPageId > 0) 238 { 239 <section class="e-section pb-2"> 240 <div class="container-fluid"> 241 <div class="row"> 242 @RenderPageContent(espressoProduct.CasesPageId) 243 </div> 244 </div> 245 </section> 246 } 247 248 @if (espressoProduct.RelatedGroups.ContainsKey("RELGRP1")) 249 { 250 <section class="e-section pb-2"> 251 <div class="container-fluid"> 252 <div class="row"> 253 <div class="col-12"> 254 <div class="e-productlist-header"> 255 <p class="h2">@Translate("Product - Variants - Heading", "Varianter og specifikationer")</p> 256 </div> 257 <div class="e-productlist-main"> 258 @if (espressoProduct.RelatedGroups["RELGRP1"].Products != null && espressoProduct.RelatedGroups["RELGRP1"].Products.Any()) 259 { 260 <table class="table table-responsive-lg table-striped"> 261 <thead> 262 <tr> 263 <th> 264 @Translate("Filter_Facet_Label_Machine", "Maskine") 265 </th> 266 <th> 267 @Translate("Filter_Facet_Label_Chuck", "Chuck") 268 </th> 269 <th> 270 @Translate("Filter_Facet_Label_Stangkapacitet", "Stangkapacitet") 271 </th> 272 <th> 273 @Translate("Filter_Facet_Label_Spindelhastighed", "Spindelhastighed") 274 </th> 275 <th> 276 @Translate("Filter_Facet_Label_Maks. drejediameter", "Maks. drejediameter") 277 </th> 278 <th> 279 @Translate("Filter_Facet_Label_Maks. drejelængde", "Maks. drejelængde") 280 </th> 281 <th> 282 @Translate("Filter_Facet_Label_Særlige egenskaber", "Særlige egenskaber") 283 </th> 284 </tr> 285 </thead> 286 287 <tbody> 288 @foreach (DurocProduct product in espressoProduct.RelatedGroups["RELGRP1"].Products) 289 { 290 <tr> 291 <td> 292 @( product.Name.IsNotNullOrEmpty() ? product.Brand + " " + product.Name : "-") 293 </td> 294 <td> 295 @(product.ChuckSize.IsNotNullOrEmpty() ? product.ChuckSize : "-") 296 </td> 297 <td> 298 @(product.BarWorkingDiameter.IsNotNullOrEmpty() ? product.BarWorkingDiameter : "-") 299 </td> 300 <td> 301 @(product.SpindleSpeed.IsNotNullOrEmpty() ? product.SpindleSpeed : "-") 302 </td> 303 <td> 304 @(product.TurningDiameter.IsNotNullOrEmpty() ? product.TurningDiameter : "-") 305 </td> 306 <td> 307 @(product.TurningLength.IsNotNullOrEmpty() ? product.TurningLength : "-") 308 </td> 309 <td> 310 @(product.SpecialFeatures.IsNotNullOrEmpty() ? product.SpecialFeatures : "-") 311 </td> 312 </tr> 313 } 314 </tbody> 315 </table> 316 } 317 </div> 318 </div> 319 </div> 320 </div> 321 </section> 322 } 323 <section class="e-section"> 324 <div class="container-fluid"> 325 <div class="row"> 326 @{ 327 int serviceaftalerParagraphId = default(int); 328 string serviceaftalerParagraphIdToString = PageView.Current().Area.Item["EcommerceServiceaftaler"]?.ToString(); 329 330 int leasingParagraphId = default(int); 331 string leasingParagraphIdToString = PageView.Current().Area.Item["EcommerceLeasing"]?.ToString(); 332 333 int educationParagraphId = default(int); 334 string educationParagraphIdToString = PageView.Current().Area.Item["EcommerceEducation"]?.ToString(); 335 336 int informationParagraphId = default(int); 337 string informationParagraphIdToString = PageView.Current().Area.Item["EcommerceInformation"]?.ToString(); 338 } 339 340 @if (int.TryParse(serviceaftalerParagraphIdToString, out serviceaftalerParagraphId)) 341 { 342 @RenderPageContent(serviceaftalerParagraphId) 343 344 } 345 @if (int.TryParse(leasingParagraphIdToString, out leasingParagraphId)) 346 { 347 @RenderPageContent(leasingParagraphId) 348 } 349 @if (int.TryParse(educationParagraphIdToString, out educationParagraphId)) 350 { 351 @RenderPageContent(educationParagraphId) 352 } 353 @if (int.TryParse(informationParagraphIdToString, out informationParagraphId)) 354 { 355 @RenderPageContent(informationParagraphId) 356 } 357 @if (espressoProduct.ContactPersonId > 0) 358 { 359 if (espressoProduct.ContactPersonAnchorId.IsNotNullOrEmpty()) 360 { 361 <span id="@espressoProduct.ContactPersonAnchorId"></span> 362 } 363 <div class="js-render-page-content" data-page-id="@espressoProduct.ContactPersonId"> 364 <div class=" position-relative pb-1 pt-6"> 365 @RenderingService.Instance.PartialView( "_partials/loading-spinner.cshtml" ) 366 </div> 367 </div> 368 } 369 </div> 370 </div> 371 </section> 372 373 374 @RenderingService.Instance.PartialView( "ecom/product/partials/metadata.cshtml", espressoProduct ) 375 @RenderingService.Instance.PartialView( "ecom/product/partials/gtm-tracking.cshtml", espressoProduct ) 376 377 <code class="js-e-breadcrumb-item-append" data-text="@HttpUtility.HtmlAttributeEncode( espressoProduct.Name )" data-link="@HttpUtility.HtmlAttributeEncode( espressoProduct.Link )"></code> 378 379 <script> 380 '@espressoProduct.Id.Replace(" ", "")', JSON.parse('@HttpUtility.JavaScriptStringEncode( JsonService.Instance.ToJson( espressoProduct ) )') ) 381 </script> 382 383 </div> 384 @RenderingService.Instance.SectionStart( new SectionSettings() ) 385